Monitoring & Evaluation System

1: Monitoring and Evaluation System composed of an online software with interactive interface accessible to all stockholders. The system has 16 Domains with 128 Sub-Domains and 470 check points.

2:The monitoring team is headed by Director Monitoring and Academic and assisted by Deputy Director Monitoring and Monitoring Officers. The team would visit the institutes and record the state of all domains and sub-domains. DD Monitoring has the power to select any employee or hire from market as co-opted member on case to case basis. Director Monitoring and Academic are directly responsible to Chairman KP-STVET. DD Monitoring also directly report and submit observations to Chairman KP-STVET. The team shall up load observations as check points in the software. The key staff at Head office and Principals / Administrators of the institutes shall take remedial and corrective actions and update the feedback on software within two week after the uploading of the observations by monitoring.

3:Chief Administrator shall provide required support, guidance and facilitate the responsible officers in addressal of the recorded observation and will take responsibility for delay in corrective actions. The monitoring team shall subsequently check the progress of remedial actions through on-line software and visit the office / institutes for physical verification of the remedial actions. A comprehensive report shall be formulated and provided to all stake holders and uploaded on the software as well.

Following objectives have been achieved so far:-

  • Physically checked and monitored status of the 79 functional Institutes for all the domains including Administration, Academics, Examination, Finance & Logistics, Inventory, Security, Environment, Training, Workshops & Labs, Student Support Services, Co-Curricular Activities, Human Resource Management, Fire Services, Disaster Management and MIS.
  • Verified the remedial actions of 53 institutes.
  • State of the training equipment, training materials, other machinery available in the institutes and furniture etc has been checked.
  • Verified the status of the sanctioned and filled positions and evaluated staff performance, while deficiency of staff reported to Head Office for fulfillment of necessary human resource.
  • Checked and verified the capability and working capacity of the teaching and supporting staff.
  • Collected feedback from students and relevant staff about the practical and theoretical teaching methods.
  • Conducted training, courses and workshops pertaining to management of the online Softwares indigenously developed, inventory management, labs and workshops layout and display, improvement of teaching methodology and technical administration etc.
  • Conducted surprise visits and inspections and physically checked the students and staff attendance, available resources, availability and serviceability of training equipment, training material and discipline level etc.
  • Regular monitoring through online biometric devices and CCTV cameras after making all the biometric devices and CCTV camera serviceable and functional.
  • Maintain close liaison with staff and students for timely redressal of their grievances.
  • Maintain online complaint and feedback system for staff and students at head office level.
  • Provide guidance to institutes and other office holder for enhancement of the Technical Training quality and grooming and counseling of students and staff.


These are the summarized info of KP-STVET







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